Main Window | File Explorer | Bulk Editor | Keyboard Examiner | Score Examiner | Event Examiner | Event Editor | Jukebox | Track Saver | Preferences
The Preferences dialog allows customization features that are saved between invocations of MidiYodi.

Language | Language to use for the application. English, French, Swedish and Norweigan is supported. Changing language will take effect the next time MidiYodi is started. |
Look & Feel | Appearance of user interface in general in terms of buttons, scrollbars etc. Changing L&F will take effect the next time MidiYodi is started. |
Theme | Color theme that is used for tracks and marker areas as well as in ribbons on some of the tables shown. This value takes effect the next time a MIDI file is loaded or some of the table-hosting windows are displayed. |
Default Examiner | The examiner to be displayed when a track is double clicked. |
MIDI Out | Device to use for playback. Available devices depend on operating system and installed MIDI hardware. Note, sometimes these sound devices could be occupied by other applications. Make sure these application are closed in that case. |
Startup Filename | A default file that may loaded into the Main Window every time MidiYodi is started. |
License Key | License key to be obtained and entered when MidiYodi is purchased. Without the license key some of the features in MidiYodi will be limited or unavailable. |
Shown Meta Message Lanes | Determines what meta message lanes should be visible at the top in the Main Window, Keyboard Examiner and Score Examiner. See online help for Main Window for a detailed description of the different lane types. (Marker, time signature, key signature, tempo, lyrics and text.) |
Additional Items Saved by MidiYodi
- Last visited MIDI file folder.
- Last visited Jukebox playlist folder.
- Size and position of Main Window, MIDI File Explorer, Jukebox and Examiners.
The settings are stored in a file named midiyodi.xml
in the current users home directory.