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The Keyboard Examiner iis used for note editing or closer examination of note pitches and their duration where each note is drawn in a stand-up keyboard like view.

Examination Area

The gray rows indicate the black keys on a keyboard. Each C is labeled from C-0 (lowest) to C-10 (highest).

The view contains a horizontal scrollbar to scroll the viewport within the song and a vertical scrollbar to scroll within the octaves. Note that if the song is being played and Auto scroll is enabled in the Main Window then using the horizontal scrollbar will result in that the view port is auto readjusted if playback moves outside the view.

The view also contains a horizontal slider that adjusts the visible measure width, keyboard shortcut (+) or (-), and a vertical slider that adjusts the “note” height.

For closer examination a grid may be added using the Grid selection box.

Playback Controls

Playback can be started and stopped from the examiner windows as well using the playback controls at the top or the Escape-key

The examined track may also be solo’ed or muted using the S and M buttons or the (S) and (M) keys.

Measure Bar and Meta Message Lanes

The measure bar displays the duration and on what tick mark within the song the playback is currently located followed by the rolled out songs measure numbers and beat marks. Clicking the left mouse button anywhere within the measure area will move playback to that location. A black line indicates where playback is currently located.

Meta message lanes, as described in the Main window, may also be displayed in the Keyboard Examiner. What lanes to display is configured in the Preferences dialog.

Note Editing

Notes can be added, deleted, moved and copied. Notes can also have their duration, pitch and velocity changed. To assist in note layout the examiner offers Grid view selection.

Selected notes are colored in red and are target for note editing actions.

The table below summarize the key and mouse actions used to edit notes in the Keyboard Examiner:

Select a noteMB1 click on note
Deselect a noteSHIFT+MB1 click on the selected note
Extend selection with another noteSHIFT+MB1 click on next note to select
Rectangle selectionMB1 drag outside any notes Notes within the rectangle will be selected when MB1 is released.
Select all notes on trackCTRL+A
Add a noteCTRL/CMD+MB1 click where the note should be added. Notes initial duration is set to current grid size.
Delete selected notesDELETE or BACKSPACE key
Move selected notesMB1 drag selected notes.
Change duration of selected notesCTRL/CMD+MB1 drag selected notes.
Copy selected notesCTRL/CMD+C
Copy and remove selected notesCTRL/CMD+X
Paste copied notesCTRL/CMD+V (Leftmost copied note will be pasted where the playback indicator line is currently located.)
Change velocity for selected notes.Right click one of the selected notes and a slider will appear showing the notes current velocity. Adjust the slider and press the button below Set velocity to XX. Note that this will adjust the velocity on all selected notes.

MB1 = First mouse button.

SHIFT+MB1 means hold down the SHIFT key while klicking first mouse button.

CTRL/CMD means holding down the CTRL key on Windows/Unix or the Command key on Mac.